Monday, December 23, 2019

What Was The Most Import Thing - 769 Words

What was the most import thing in the reading? â€Å"Most: Principles are not in and of themselves a model or method of instruction, but rather relationships that may underlie any model or method. These principles can be implemented in a variety of ways by different models and methods of instruction. However, the effectiveness, efficiency, and engagement of a particular model or method of instruction is a function of the degree to which these principles are implemented.† There are multiple ways to provide instructions to student, and there are multiple methods for students to show what they have been taught or learned. In order for this to be successful you have to be purposeful, good, and engaging with whatever method or model that you use. A part of any instructional design is to ensure that you include a principle which truly should be the core of what you are wanting to communicate or teach. What was something you agree with in the reading? â€Å"Agree: A fact is an association between a date and event, or a name and part.† This statement really makes me stop and pause for a moment. It is truly interesting how people do not understand the difference between facts and opinions. The more I read now, I try to look at both sides of a story. This is why critical thinking is so important and not to just allow someone to tell you something and you not understand that it is something factual. By it being factual then I should be able to relate it to something thatShow MoreRelatedWhat Was The Most Import Thing On The Reading?956 Words   |  4 PagesMANIC Discussions What was the Most import thing in the reading? â€Å"Most: (Schloss, P. J;, Cragg, K. M., 2013) stated in the postsecondary context, the rights of access to and privacy for educational records belong to the student.† It is interesting how parents will make the statement that I am the one paying the bills so I should be able to have access to their academic records. When I was in school, I did not like when the fall semester ended because I knew that grades would be mailedRead MoreAre Imports Destroying The United Sates Economy?1413 Words   |  6 PagesNicci Johnson Mrs. Jenkins Humanities 01 9 November 2015 Are imports destroying the United Sates Economy? Exports and imports, which typically defines foreign trade, are the exchange of goods and services between nations and countries. The expression â€Å"send out† intends to do or offer abroad while as â€Å"import† is to convey in or purchase from abroad. There are numerous purposes behind exporting and importing. 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