Tuesday, December 31, 2019

The Prison System Should Be Abolished - 1237 Words

Like Angela Davis, I believe that the prison system needs to be abolished. The prison system which is a significant part of punishment is incompetent and deeply flawed in the United States. Prison system reform needs immediate attention while abolition permanently will require time. Nietzsche’s theory of punishment explains how punishment come about in society and Davis’s critique of the prison system helps back my argument that the prison system needs to be abolished. Traditionally, there have been four justifications for punishment: deterrence, confinement, rehabilitation and retribution. While these methods can be flawed at some point in history they served as primary reasons for the justification of punishment. Recently, there has been an epistemic shift in thinking about punishment where now it is focused on retribution and incarceration. The emphasis on this method has lead to an increase in incarceration and the rise of a prison system. While we acknowledge that there will always be a need for society to punish criminals in order to protect the rights of individuals, however a prison/prison system is not the correct way to handle such problems. Currently the prison system is being used an economic tool for private companies to exploit cheap labor from inmates. Known as the prison-industrial complex private enterprises are now able to build more prisons to â€Å"benefit† society and themselves as the prison population grows. Since the 1980’s the growth in prisonShow MoreRelatedDeath Penalty Should Not Be Abolished in China751 Words   |  4 Pagesshouldn’t be abolished in China Death penalty is one of the oldest punishments in the world, it means end of criminal’s life by law. Nowadays, the issue of whether the death penalty should be abolished in China is still a controversial topic. Many people think death penalty is a bad way to punishment criminals because this method violates humanitarianism and it’s also a bit cruel. Besides, two of third countries in the world have abolished it. So many people say our country should do the sameRead MoreShould The Death Penalty Be Abolished?. The Death Penalty982 Words   |  4 PagesShould the death penalty be abolished? The death penalty is a â€Å"term that applies to capital punishment and is the worst penalty given for committing a murder or an atrocious assault.† (Black s Law Dictionary). Death penalty has been a part of human society and is legally approved for centuries. The first established death penalty laws date as far back as the Eighteenth Century B.C. in the Code of King Hammaurabi of Babylon, which codified the death penalty for 25 different crimes. Death sentencesRead MoreShould The Death Penalty Be Abolished?1359 Words   |  6 PagesShould The Death Penalty Be Abolished? The death penalty has been around for many years. It has contributed to the ongoing problems of overcrowding and the rate of murder. Furthermore, the death penalty serves as a deterrent to criminals all around the world. Although some citizens believe that the death penalty should be abolished, it lessens the problem of over population, puts our tax money to a good use, and intimidates people from committing violent crimes to other people. The first reasonRead More Death Penalty Essay664 Words   |  3 Pagesof the major aspects of this debate is whether or not we should continue to use this form of punishment for criminals. In my opinion, the death penalty should be abolished because it costs taxpayers much more than sending an inmate to prison and there is no factual evidence that it has any greater deterrent effect than life imprisonment. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;One major reason that I believe that the death penalty should be abolished is because the expenses of the death penalty greatly exceedRead MoreCapital Punishment Should Not Be Abolished1541 Words   |  7 Pagescrime, like murder or rape, they were executed to maintain peace in the community and to bring comfort to those who knew the victim. Capital punishment has been used in almost every part of the world, but in the last few decades many countries have abolished it. The issue of capital punishment has been a sensitive topic for nations attempting a careful balancing act between prisoner’s rights and legal defense teams and society’s laws on cases of extreme gravity. Some religions forbid the death penaltyRead MoreEssay on Preserve or Outlaw?1731 Words   |  7 Pages(Death Penalty Information Center, â€Å"States With and Without the Death Penalty†). This shows the indecisiveness among the states on whether or not capital punishment should be allowed or outlawed. Capital punishment should be outlawed due to the fact that it does not diminish crime rates; it is more costly than keeping criminals in prison for life, and most criminals on death row do not receive proper representation in order to justify their innocence. Since the ratification of capital punishmentRead MoreArgumentative Essay On Capital Punishment1689 Words   |  7 Pages Abstract Capital punishment is the execution of criminals for the crimes they committed. This paper explores three reasons as to why capital punishment is wrong and should be abolished. One downfall to capital punishment includes the risk of taking an innocent life such as Cameron Todd Willingham who was wrongfully convicted in 1992 and executed in 2004. There is also a risk of having a botched execution. A mistake might be made during the procedure, making it long and painful for the prisonersRead MoreBanning the Death Penalty1620 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction Should the death penalty be banned internationally as a type of punishment? This form of punishment has been quite a controversial issue worldwide for quite a few years. The death penalty for hundreds of thousands of years has been a punishment for criminals throughout the world; in the past ranging from what we would now consider small crimes to huge ones, to the present where most if not all those punished with death penalty are for fairly large crimes. Actual laws involving deathRead MoreJuvenile Offenders And The Juvenile Justice System950 Words   |  4 Pages Since 1899 when the juvenile justice system was first created it has undergone quite a series of changes relative to how they go about the overall handling of juvenile offenders in the criminal justice system. In most states the only way for juveniles to be tried as adults is if they are over the age of 16 or if they have committed a violent crime such as rape or assault but recently many juveniles are being tried as adults for even far lesser crimes. It also has been well documented for a numberRead MoreEssay Parole Should Be Abolished1714 Words   |  7 PagesParole Should Be Abolished The procedure known as â€Å"parole† in the criminal justice system has been in practice in the United States since the late 1800’s when it was begun in a reformatory in Elmira, New York. It’s process provides for early conditional release from prison for convicted felons, after part of their prison sentence has been served, and they are found to be eligible for parole based on factors such as: conduct while incarcerated, rehabilitative efforts/progress, type of offense

Monday, December 23, 2019

What Was The Most Import Thing - 769 Words

What was the most import thing in the reading? â€Å"Most: Principles are not in and of themselves a model or method of instruction, but rather relationships that may underlie any model or method. These principles can be implemented in a variety of ways by different models and methods of instruction. However, the effectiveness, efficiency, and engagement of a particular model or method of instruction is a function of the degree to which these principles are implemented.† There are multiple ways to provide instructions to student, and there are multiple methods for students to show what they have been taught or learned. In order for this to be successful you have to be purposeful, good, and engaging with whatever method or model that you use. A part of any instructional design is to ensure that you include a principle which truly should be the core of what you are wanting to communicate or teach. What was something you agree with in the reading? â€Å"Agree: A fact is an association between a date and event, or a name and part.† This statement really makes me stop and pause for a moment. It is truly interesting how people do not understand the difference between facts and opinions. The more I read now, I try to look at both sides of a story. This is why critical thinking is so important and not to just allow someone to tell you something and you not understand that it is something factual. By it being factual then I should be able to relate it to something thatShow MoreRelatedWhat Was The Most Import Thing On The Reading?956 Words   |  4 PagesMANIC Discussions What was the Most import thing in the reading? â€Å"Most: (Schloss, P. J;, Cragg, K. M., 2013) stated in the postsecondary context, the rights of access to and privacy for educational records belong to the student.† It is interesting how parents will make the statement that I am the one paying the bills so I should be able to have access to their academic records. When I was in school, I did not like when the fall semester ended because I knew that grades would be mailedRead MoreAre Imports Destroying The United Sates Economy?1413 Words   |  6 PagesNicci Johnson Mrs. Jenkins Humanities 01 9 November 2015 Are imports destroying the United Sates Economy? Exports and imports, which typically defines foreign trade, are the exchange of goods and services between nations and countries. The expression â€Å"send out† intends to do or offer abroad while as â€Å"import† is to convey in or purchase from abroad. There are numerous purposes behind exporting and importing. For instance, nations send out products on the off chance that it is one of the world’sRead MoreLeontief Paradox : The Wassily Paradox964 Words   |  4 PagesInternational Economics Dr. Morrison 4/29/16 Leontief Paradox The Leontief Paradox is the finding of Wassily W. Leontief and was an attempt to test the Heckscher-Ohlin theory. The Heckscher-Ohlin Model was developed by two economists by the names of Eli Heckscher and Bertil Ohlin. The Heckscher-Ohlin Model is an economic theory that states that countries export what they can most easily and abundantly produce. This model is used to evaluate an international trade, specifically trade equilibriums betweenRead MoreLeontief Paradox : The Finding Of Wassily W. Leontief1123 Words   |  5 PagesLeontief Paradox The Leontief Paradox is the finding of Wassily W. Leontief and was an attempt to test the Heckscher-Ohlin theory. The Heckscher-Ohlin Model was developed by two economists by the names of Eli Heckscher and Bertil Ohlin. The Heckscher-Ohlin Model is an economic theory that states that countries export what they can most easily and abundantly produce. This model says comparative advance is based on resource abundancies. If a good takes a lot of capital to produce and a country hasRead MoreTraveler Import Cars, Inc, Small Foreign Car Dealership Owned By The Travelers Family1463 Words   |  6 PagesISSUES: Traveler Import Cars, INC is small foreign car dealership owned by the Travelers family during the 1979. Randy and his wife Beryl decided to open their own business and use their experience they had gained to improve and expand it, Randy made himself president of the company and his wife Beryl as executive vice president. The case had many issues and the main idea of it was the effectiveness of managing, hiring, and lack of Human Resources management, which lead to many issues. Randy andRead MoreUS Macroeconomics: A Speech1093 Words   |  4 Pagespublic through the journalists represented in this room. What happens when there is a surplus of imports into the U.S.? This is the question of the moment. The problems that can occur when there is a surplus of imports into the United States are very serious for our workforce and businesses. Looking at the American auto parts industry, we can see a very negative trend with reference to Chinas imports of auto parts. The first thing to consider was the fact that Chinas export of auto parts jumped byRead MoreThe Real Causes of the Depression1020 Words   |  5 Pagesthis is bad and the economy is slowly going downhill, but most people forget to think that these things are normal and is nothing worse than the Depression of the 1930s. Although some people say that the Depression was caused by the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act, it was strictly due to many reasons that were unrelated to the Act. The Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act was signed by President Herbert Hoover on June 17, 1930. It had been proposed in 1929 and was passed in June of 1930 by Congress (Burg 63). Two men byRead MoreWhat Is Gross Domestic Product?1270 Words   |  6 Pages What is Gross Domestic Product? Jordan Power ECO2013 Mark Thompson February 1, 2016 What is Gross Domestic Product? Gross Domestic Product is the total amount of the government’s activity is regards to the economic spending. This amount is a cumulative of four different parts. The four factors involved in Gross Domestic Product are consumption, investment, government spending, and the amount of exports minus the imports. All of these parts make up what Simon KruznetsRead Morethe leontief paradox1176 Words   |  5 PagesWhat is Leontief Paradox Trade Theory By Deepti Verma W. W. Leontief received a Nobel Prize in Economics 1973 and is famous for his input-output analysis. The US is widely recognised to be a capital-abundant country. Therefore, in terms of H-O theory, it is expected that the US would export capital-intensive goods and import labour-intensive ones. In 1951, Leontief conducted an empirical test of the H-O theory by applying his input- output technique on American trade data of 1947. He estimatedRead MoreThe History Of Singapore Is Rich With Surprising Twists, Bendy Turns And Wondrous Triumphs1679 Words   |  7 Pageschanged to Temasek (â€Å"Sea Town†) then to Singapura and eventually to what it is now known as Singapore. It got the name Singapura from a prince from Palembang who was on a hunting trip when he caught sight of an animal he had never seen before. Taking this as a good sign he founded the city where the animal had been spotted giving it the name â€Å" The Lion City† or Singapura or so the legend says. The city was ruled by 5 kings and was located at the very tip of the Malay Peninsula, which is the natural

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Dracula Coursework Free Essays

TRAN5291M Traffic Network Modelling Assignment: [Dracula Coursework] Student ID Number: [200750558] Lecturer: [Dr. Ronghui Liu] Submission Date: [12/03/2013] Semester: [Semester 2] Academic Year: [2012-2013] Words: [1546] Table of Content 1. Introduction†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. We will write a custom essay sample on Dracula Coursework or any similar topic only for you Order Now 3 2. Task coding for base scenario†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 3 Task C (Simulation for proposed bus lane scheme)†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 4 4. Task D (comparison of bus stop and bus lay by)†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 5 5. Task E (Proposed Scheme)†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 7 6. Conclusion†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 9 7. Reference†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 0 1. Introduction Otley is a market town in the outskirts of Leeds having population of 14124(National statistics. 2004). Otley town council wants to patronage public transport service by improving bus services to market and improving local environment by traffic reduction. We as a transport planner have been tasked to measure the effectiveness of inclusion of bus lane on link 24-17 which is a two lane carriage way serving all traffic, also to consider a change of bus layby to a bus stop Figure 1 Otley Network The bus service in on route from zone 105 to 109 with a frequency of one every 10 minutes. Data collected from Dracula after simulation for bus route which have 2 bus stop and one layby holds the base scenario for this report and also to which the proposed scheme is compared. 2. Task coding for base scenario 2. Simulation of the Base Scenario For base scenario, the network is coded with 2 bus stop on link 24-17 and 15-9 and a bus lay by on link 16-15, 5 iteration were done with random NSEED no which are shown in table 1 Day 1| Day 2| Day 3| Day 4| Day 5| NSEED| 12345| 23456| 34567| 45678| 56789| Table 1. Random NSEED NO. Data collected for this simulation in this report included average total journey time for cars and buses over the network for 5 days which was 90. 26 seconds with standard deviation of 2. 26 for cars and 354. 68 seconds with standard deviation of 7. 55 for buses. The total Journey time data was taken from net. REB file Figure 1. Base scenario average journey time for 5 days 3 Task C 3. 1Simulation for proposed bus lane scheme Simulation for proposed bus lane on link 24-17 were carried with same NSEED no as in the base scenario with respective days. Figure 2. Average journey time with bus lane As the graph indicates average total journey time for cars is 89. 62 and for bus is 339. 48 sec ,which has decreased in comparison with the base scenario. When the average journey times for the base scenario is compared with the proposed bus lane scheme as shown in figure 3,it was observed that although the journey time with the inclusion of bus lane have decreased but the deviation from the mean is higher compared to base scenario. As from the figure 3 the maximum deviation for the bus lane scheme not much higher as in the case of base scenario but with a minimum deviation there is a probability that journey time with bus lane scheme can reduce further. Figure 3. comparison of avg. journey times for base scenario and bus lane journey time In case of cars the change in average total journey time does not have a significant impact as the journey time in the base scenario changes form 90. 26 hours to 89. 26 hours and also the error bar in both the cases is vey less. Figure 4. Average journey time for cars The average number of passengers in the bus lane scheme have decreased from 163 passengers to 158 and also the error bar in the bus lane scheme is high compared to base scenario, shown in Table 1 | Bus lane scheme avg| Error bar| Base scenario avg| Error bar| Npsg| 158. 2| 20. 5| 163. 6| 7. 68| Pdelay(m)| 761. 28| 110. 598| 777. 82| 57. 29| Tdwell(s)| 1082| 224. 9| 1100. 6| 98. 36| Table 1:Comparision of base scenario and bus lane scheme for bus The passenger delay and bus dwell time have rather decreased but the error bar in the respective cases for bus lane scheme are high compared to base scenario. Although the journey time, number of passenger, passenger delay and bus dwell time are decreasing in bus lane scheme compared to base scenario but the error bar are comparatively high, hence it is more appropriate to have a reliable system and inclusion of bus lane would not affect the overall current bus service of the otley network significantly, but its inclusion can improve certain parts of the network which are significant in improving public transport service . Task D (comparison of bus stop and bus lay by) Analysing the performance of lay by on link 17- 15 with no bus lane the average total journey time for cars almost remained the same and does not have any significant impact . But in case of bus the total journey time with layby was more when compared with the bus stop scenario, also the error bar in the bus top scenar io was smaller that of a layby scenario, as shown in figure 5 Figure 6. comparison of average journey time for bus layby and bus stop scenario. Comparing the average no of passengers ,passenger delay time and bus dwell time the bus lay by scenario was better than the bus stop scenario as the number of passenger decreased in bus stop scenario with bigger error bar compared to base scenario, passenger delay does not have a significant impact but bus dwell time was smaller than the base scenario but the value for error bar is just double in the bus stop scenario ,as shown in table 7. | Bus stop scenario avg| Error bar| Bus layby scenario avg| Error bar| Npsg| 158. 4| 16. 9| 163. 6| 7. 68| Pdelay(m)| 779. 87| 96. 64| 777. 82| 57. 29| Tdwell(s)| 1080. 4| 183. 63| 1100. 6| 98. 36| Table 2. Comparison of bus stop and bus lay by scenario In case of Queuing delay bus lay bay have larger queuing delay than bus stop queuing delay, as shown in figure 7 Figure 7. comparison of queuing delay for bus layby and bus stop More Queuing delay in bus layby than that in bus stop case is because once bus get off the road to pick passengers, bus ha ve to face congestion because of other cars which are already in the route . Comparing the average speed for bus in both the scenarios buses on link 16 -15 with bus stop have higher average speed than the case of a layby, as shown in figure 8 Figure 8. comparison of average speed for bus Bus also create congestion for other vehicle while they are boarding or deboarding the passengers. Performance flow on link 16 -15 for cars is shown in figure 9 Figure 9. Comparison of performed flow for cars Figure above show that the performance flow for cars was better in case of bus stop than that of a layby. Analysing the simulation for both bus stop and bus lay by the average journey time for bus top was significantly smaller compared to bus lay by on link 16-15,other factors such as average speed ,no of passengers ,passenger delay time and bus dwell time does not have a significant impact . Hence replacing bus layby with a bus stop would be beneficial and would encourage more usage of public transport service. 5. Task E (Proposed Scheme) Improvement of public transport service can be done if passengers already have seasonal tickets, this will reduce the bus dwell time and would also decrease the passenger delay at the bus stop. Proposal is given for a bus lane of length on link 24-17 with a bus stop on link 16 -15 and encouraging 50 percent of the passengers to have seasonal tickets. Frequency of the bus is kept the same as in the case of base scenario Improving infrastructure could be helpful in improving public transport service as on the network there are sharp turns which cause manoeuvring difficulties and causes some of the time delay (e. g. turn from link 24-17 to 17-15) The average journey time for proposed scheme is shown in figure 10 As shown in the above graph the average journey time have decreased considerably after inclusion of seasonal ticket, bus lane and bus stop on link 16 -15. Although the error bar for the proposed scheme is double of the base scenario but the maximum error of the proposed scheme is lesser than the minimum error for the base scenario. In terms of environment the proposed scheme does not have a huge impact on environment, as the co2,NOx and hydrocarbon emission are nearly same in both the cases, as shown in table 3. | Pollutants emission and fuel consumption|   | Base scenario|   | Proposed scheme|   |   | | Avg| Error Bar| Avg| Error Bar|   | Co2 (Kg)| 33. 71| 1. 37| 34. 11| 0. 37|   | Nox(Kg)| 0. 694| 0. 03| 0. 7| 0. 007|   | Hc (Kg)| 2. 28| 0. 09| 2. 318| 0. 02|   | Fuel (L)| 158| 6. 45| 159. 5| 1. 7|   | Table 3. Pollutant emission in base scenario and proposed scheme Comparing the queuing delay for both the scenarios ,queuing delay for bus in proposed scheme was le sser as compared to that of the base scenario. Figure 11. Comparison of queuing delay for proposed scheme and base scenario With inclusion of bus stop and bus lane the average speed for busses increases form 12. 23 kmph to 14. 95 kmph as shown in figure12 When comparing the average no of passengers ,passenger delay at bus stop and bus dwell time we see that the no of passenger at the bus stop have increased and bus dwell time have decreased which is beneficial in improvement of public transport services. 6. Conclusion In the proposed scheme for the otley network in Dracula the inclusion of bus lane on link 24-17 and a bus stop on link 16-15 is beneficial . lso 50 percent of passengers having seasonal ticket is an advantage as it is reducing the bus dwell time and also the bus total journey time. 7. Reference 1. Office for National Statistics. (2004). Neighbourhood statistics. Available: http://www. neighbourhood. statistics. gov. uk/dissemination/viewFullDataset. do;jsessionid=zqGzR8CX0hh2WhLzqnHLh6GKBsqNYD19kNYPFXyCkSQjL4BBM092! 1701030348! 1362936375650? instanceSelection=03070productId=7. Last accessed 10/03/2013. 2. Dr. Ronghui Liu (2005). Dracula manual. ITS,LEEDS: Handouts. 1-147. How to cite Dracula Coursework, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Apple Channel Strategy in Singapore free essay sample

Apple carefully accessed and selected two local distributors, whose objectives and strategies are inline with Apples overall image and objectives. Apart from that, these two distributors are also chosen because of their stable credit and financial capabilities to hold many of its products in their inventory during heavy selling season (E. g. IT Fairs) to assure timely availability. Moreover, their management abilities, wide market coverage as well as their well-known reputation in distributing other companies products in Singapore affirmed Apples choice of selecting them as Singapore Apple distributors. Apple Resellers Apple recognises the importance for its consumers to experience the tangible access of its products to facilitate learning and discovery in the retail stores hence, there is a need for Apple to have a high degree of control over its resellers. In order to have this high degree of control (in terms of formulation of the store design, merchandising, providing impeccable services and inventory of no competitors products), Apple has differentiated its resellers by creating the Apple Premium Reseller Program (APRP). Even though Apple Authorized Resellers (ARs) do not carry its full range of products, price consistency of all its roducts applies to all retailers. Using this channel structure, Apple has strong governance over its product pricing. This will help to prevent undermining of its products quality and competition between resellers is kept at the minimum. On the whole, the APRP is established to fulfil consumers satisfaction through maximizing communication, marketing initiatives and support within its resellers. Value Added- Resellers And to reduce the complexity of its current channel structure, it has branched out its mobile communication business (iPhone) to three other values added resellers namely Singtel, Starhub and MI . These telecommunication service providers were chosen over its current resellers because of their abilities to package and sell the iPhones with attractive data plans that would being convenience to consumers. Online iTune store Besides its traditional channel structure, it has also established an online store that sells and provides information of its products directly to customers. The company also sells digital content and applications through the iTunes Store. Value Added Partners Not forgetting, that its products would need servicing and maintaining, Apple has chosen seven value added partners whom are heir authorized service providers. Apple also runs a pretty tight control over its products ensuring that resellers would not over order and result in a high return rate. This helps to reduce high inventory cost for its resellers and ensured that return rates are low, mutually benefiting both parties. On the whole, Apple has a comprehensive and well-develop structure. PROBLEMS IN APPLE CHANNEL STRATEGY Lack of control over its ARS ed distribution channel Apple has done well in differentiating and gaining a tight control over its APRs. However, comparing to its APRs, there is a lacked of control over its ARs. Sales personnel in non-APRP might not have adequate knowledge and the competence as compared to those who were given intensive training in its APRP. On the whole, consumers who did not received the expected level of service at the non-APR stores will attribute the bad sale services and dissatisfaction to Apple and not to the non- APR stores. And this will ultimately reflect badly on Apple. Pricing Issues Apple has a tight control over its products pricing, leaving as little as only 3% of the profit margins for its resellers to gain from (Ian Fried, 2001). This clearly shows that Apple is at a disadvantage given the margin the ARS can obtain as compared to other brands (For e. g. Dell resellers can earn as high as 5% 10% for each Dell product sold). The ARS will then prefer to devote much effort to promote competitors product with higher margin profits instead of Apples. Acceptance of New Products Apple is a technology driven company, its constant innovation would mean constant release of new products. The success of the new products would depend on its resellers willingness to carry it. Factors that come into play on retailers willingness to arry the new product would include profitability of the product and whether would it be easy to stock and display. Therefore, should resellers (especially the ARs) gather/ hear poor responses towards the new product, it is likely that they will not want to carry the new product. This will decrease Apple chances of selling it through the resellers, reducing the reach to more consumers. Possible Conflicts between Apple and Resellers Role Incongruities To become an Apple APR, it has to follow the strict policies stated in the legal contract before the partnership. Should any of the APRs deviate from its current role (For e. . not compiling with Apple intended store layout and try to change to its own layout), it would result in a conflict. Resource scarcity The main features of the Apple online store are free shipping, iPod engraving, guaranteed new stocks and the option for being able to customise his/her personal computer. These attractive features are great deals for many. However, with Singapore having a small pool of consumers, setting up the online store would mean snatching away potential customers from the resellers. Not only that, there has been an increase in number of resellers here in Singapore. Resellers would ultimately be unhappy over the increase in competition thus, conflicts will sure to arise. Goal Incompatibilities Apple would want its channel members to sell as many of its products as possible. However, should a competitors product be more popular, its ARS would naturally try to sell more of the competitor product in order to increase its sale than to sell Apple products. RECOMMENDATIONS The consumer electronics industry is getting more and more competitive each day. The need to find a sustainable advantage is very crucial so as to maintain competitiveness in this industry. Therefore, having a strong relationship with its channel members is one way a firm can gain a competitive advantage over its competitors. Hence, Apple channel managers, have to constantly weigh any margin differentials between their own and competitive brands, in terms of what kind of support their firms offer and what level of support they expect from channel members. Apple can support and motivate its channel members to sell more of its products by offering monetary benefits, such as giving a commission payout to the highest earning AR. This will help to promote healthy competition and sales ersonnel will be keener in selling Apple products. Not forgetting that an impeccable service would help to enhance customers experiences in the store. Thus, there is a need to standardize and improve its service quality throughout the entire channel distribution. To do this, Apple can send mystery shoppers on a regular basis to gather feedback on its sales personnel services especially from the ARS in which it has a lack of control. In this way, Apple can personally advise or provide special training programs for sales personnel who are lacking in this area. This will help to standardize services provided across the channel. Constant innovation and producing new products has helped Apple to gain a competitive advantage. This being the case, the need to educate its channel members about its new products would also help to increase the acceptance of new products. Although Apple is always quick to provide its resellers information on its new products but its not enough to convince them to carry the new products. Thus, Apple can provide extra training sessions to teach its resellers about the unique attributes of the new product and equip them the necessary skills to sell the product. However, it would be well worth the effort for Apple to investigate the possible ducational requirements for the new products as the new products are being developed. In this way, it will enable a well thought out training program that will engage sales people interest. Besides that, Apple can eliminate its resellers fear of not being able to sell the new product by offering unrestricted return of the product. Apple can help to provide financial support in a move to motivate its resellers. Furthermore, to reduce conflicts in it channel, Apple can implement its build to order purchasing experience in its Singapore APRs. This will entice consumers to purchase from the stores, guaranteeing sales for the APRs. Hence, this helps to achieve mutual benefits for both parties. Capping a number of resellers to be set up in Singapore would also help to reduce unhappiness about the increasing competition. Such developments will help to strengthen its channel member relationship. To improve its overall channel distribution, Apple is also advised to carry out regular channel audits to help minimise conflicts and solve all channel problems amicably. IMPLICATIONS Apple focuses a lot on product and promotions, but it must never forget its channels members who help to bring in sales. Without its Singapore counter parts, it will be ard for Apple alone to tap into this market. The recommendations suggested above will no doubt increase in cost (in terms of providing extra trainings, hiring of mystery shoppers, conduct regular channel audits as well as monetary benefits given to its channel members) but this will helped to strengthen its relationship with its channel members in the long run. Extra effort is also needed from all parties, especially much more from Apples to maintain healthy relationships between its channel partners. All in all, all parties will stand to gain from efforts made from both sides. A greater nderstanding between each channel members will help to reduce conflicts in the long run as well. CONCLUSION Apple has done well in all aspects of its marketing mix. Its well-developed distribution channel has allowed Apple to build its brand successfully here in Singapore. Apples choice of a highly selective multi channel distribution has protected its Singapore channel members sales. Its structure alliance with its channel members has also helped to reduce task and organizational complexity. The most important thing in managing its relationships with its channel members is to address their needs and to find ways to motivate them. In this way, Apple will further gain an upper hand in having a tighter control over its members

Friday, November 29, 2019

J.C. Penney Gift Certificate Concerns Essays - E-commerce

J.C. Penney Gift Certificate Concerns J.C. Penney Gift Certificate Concerns J.C. Penney Company, Inc. has recently introduced a new point of sale (POS) system developed by NCR Corporation into their stores. In the first six months of operation, it has become apparent that there are unanticipated problems with the accounting and control functions pertaining to gift certificates. The new POS system does not provide for adequate tracking or control of the certificates on the sales floor, store level sales audit has inadequate procedures or data capture capabilities in place to track sales accurately and assign responsibility for missing certificates, and corporate accounting has no control over the gift certificate accounting on the store level and are constantly struggling to reconcile gift certificate information. Problems on the Sales Floor At the POS terminals on the sales floor, gift certificates are being stored underneath the cash register in a drawer with no security or control. The security and control of gift certificates has been overlooked during the drafting of the procedures for the new POS system. As a result, the security and control on gift certificates on the sales floor that had been in place with the old system has simply stopped. Employees are purely on the honor system. When sales associates ring up a gift certificate sale they have to key 1) the appropriate twelve-digit SKU from a list of 3 choices, and 2) a dollar value for the gift certificate shown on the face. For example, SKU #1 represented the $25 gift certificate, SKU#2 represented the $50 gift certificate, and SKU #3 represented the $100 gift certificate. After the sales transaction is complete, the sales associate must manually record the dollar value of the gift certificate on their cash audit report. During times of high volume, sometimes this final step is overlooked. Typically, the cashiers are just keying SKU #1 for any gift certificate sale and keying in the appropriate dollar value from the face of the gift certificate. The SKUs are not electronically tied to a dollar value. This is a limitation of the previous POS system that was not addressed during the testing stage of the new system. Therefore, the error rate is very high and discrepancies in gift certificate sales are common. At the close of the shift, an electronic cashier report is generated on the register that just shows a total dollar amount tied to a SKU. This electronic cashier report is returned to the cash room along with the receipts and the hand-written cash audit report. Problems in Store Level Sales Audit When the cash audit report comes back to the office with the bag of receipts and the electronic cashier report, calculations are performed on the manual cash audit report to identify the amount of gift certificates sold. This is compared to the electronic cashier report. If there are discrepancies, sales audit clerks are required to use the electronic cashier report as the correct report for auditing purposes. The dollar amount of the gift certificates sold is recorded on a monthly gift certificate log and a new running monthly balance is calculated. Any new gift certificates received from the corporate office are recorded on another log and the acknowledgement of receipt (from inside the book) is signed by a member of management and returned to corporate accounting. At the end of the month, records of gift certificate receipts (disbursements from corporate), records of gift certificate sales, and other accounting records are forwarded to corporate accounting for verification after a n attempt on the store level for reconciliation. Problems in Corporate Accounting Store managers are responsible for calling and authorizing a book of gift certificates to be dispersed for their store. When this occurs, the gift certificates are retrieved from the vault, the book number is logged, and the dollar value of the book is tentatively charged to the store. When the acknowledgement of receipt from the store is received, it is compared against the stores records, the charge for the gift certificates is confirmed, and then the acknowledgement is filed away. Once a month, corporate accounting receive sales audit information from the stores and attempts to reconcile, but typically have no better luck than the store level audit clerks. Analysis of Problem It is very evident that there

Monday, November 25, 2019

Deprecate vs. Depreciate

Deprecate vs. Depreciate Deprecate vs. Depreciate Deprecate vs. Depreciate By Sharon Only one letter separates these two words, but theres considerable difference in meaning. The word deprecate means to express disapproval of something. A synonym for deprecate in this context is to deplore. Example: He deprecated his sisters actions. This means that he did not approve of his sisters actions. The word depreciate means to belittle or play down. Example: He depreciated his sisters achievements. This means that he behaved as if his sisters achievements were insignificant. Depreciate also means to decrease in value. If youve ever owned a car, then youll know that every year it is worth less than the previous year. In other words, it has depreciated. The noun is depreciation, which is very common business and financial term. Quotations from the press: For most used-car buyers it would be a dream come true: Your car actually gains in value, instead of depreciating. When Kelley Blue Book looked at depreciation of used cars from May 24 to the same day last year, it found 23 examples of used cars that had gained in value during that time. (USA Today) It is easy enough to deprecate Mahlers Third. It is inordinately longclose to two hours. It repeats ideas endlessly; much of the music could easily be exchanged with that of other Mahler symphonies; the idiom is pure Mahler with little variation from previous compositions; long stretches are unrelievedly banal. LA Times Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:20 Great Similes from Literature to Inspire You7 Tips for Writing a Film Review50 Synonyms for â€Å"Villain†

Thursday, November 21, 2019

David Wu, Oregan Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

David Wu, Oregan - Research Paper Example He served in the post of a clerk for the federal judge and was a co-founder member of a legal firm called Cohen and Wu which basically served in the high – tech sector in the â€Å"Silicon Forest† of Oregon. Like any other member of the house, Wu is also typical in many aspects. Wu did not belong to a political family like many of them and is himself a first generation politician. Wu also showed his interest in political activities from his early age and for it, much of his professional and personal life was disturbed. Like most of the members of house, Wu is also affluent and socially established. He is well educated and holds a degree in Law and well versed with it as a professional like most of the members. Wu is aged 55 and the average age of the representatives of the American house is 57. Very common to the religious faith prevailing amid the representatives, Wu is a Presbyterian in his religious faith. The atypical feature of Wu is his ethnicity that of being an Asian American. To this regard, his faith and belief is also a bit different and he was the first Taiwanese America to get the membership of Congress. Wu unlike most of the other members is not affluent economically to a considerable extent but is quite reputed socially and holds a good command over the legal matters. Wu received his first seat in the House of Representative in the year of 1998. He became the successor of the Democrat Elizabeth Furse. Wu began his career after starting to serve the country with the 106th Congress in the year of 1999. Wu started gaining popularity with time and was re-elected in the year 2000 by defeating the state senator Charles Star during the elections held in the month of the November that year. Wu received 58% of the vote and Star receiving only rest 39% of it. The political career of Wu gradually got the glorification when he won the election again in the year 2004 defeating the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

It has been written below in the assignment criteria Essay

It has been written below in the assignment criteria - Essay Example under Part II of the Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 (the Act1) and Section 13 the service will be carried out with reasonable care and skill where it is done in the course of business as in the current scenario. Therefore failure to do so entitles Adam to make a claim for breach of contract and damages or alternatively under the law of negligence2which is what Burt Co is purporting to exclude and limit under its terms of business. The factual scenario indicates that both Adam Co and Burt Co had a regular course of dealings in respect of the Burt Co’s provision of car valet services, which were ostensibly contracted into on Burt Co’s standard terms of business. The issue in contention is whether the contract was for the Deluxe Service and if not, whether the exemption clause was incorporated into the contract. Whilst there is nothing to indicate that Adam Co expressly accepted and signed Burt Co’s standard terms and conditions, it is evident that the process of handing Adam Co Burt Co’s standard terms of business happened approximately eight to nine times within a twelve month period, which will render it difficult for Adam Co to argue that the terms and conditions do not cover the terms and conditions due to the regular course of dealings between the parties3. This in turn is crucial to the enforceability of the exclusion clause4. With regard to the current scenario, the most applicable scenario will be incorporation of terms based on previous dealings between the parties. For example, in the case of J Spurling Limited v Bradshaw,6 in circumstances analogous to the current scenario, Bradshaw had received the document with the exemption clause on previous dealings with the defendant on numerous occasions and the Court of Appeal concluded that â€Å"by the course of business and conduct of the parties the clause was part of the contract†7. In the Bradshaw case the clause had been incorporated notwithstanding the late arrival of the document

Monday, November 18, 2019

Speech Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 4

Speech - Essay Example This practice is carried out on girls. It can be done as from few days old to teenage years. This presentation intends to examine the function of the warlords during the colonial period towards FGM, the violence caused by FGM and education as a major contributory factor to rampant FGM practices (Levin & Asaah, 2009). FGM is believed to be intensive in Africa where WHO approximates the population ranging from 90-95 million women to have undergone the practice (Levin & Asaah, 2009). Majority of the communities believe that FGM lessen libido. However, the majority of the Muslim believes that it is a religious obligation that is mandatory The warlords and the process of colonization are closely linked with FGM. It is imperative to note that attempts by the colonial administrators to halt the practice during the early 20th century did not succeed, but instead enhanced the provocation and anger consequently the FGM escalated. Kenya is a typical example where the FGM escalated upon aggravation of the local communities. The Christian missionaries in Kenya tried to discourage the practice due to the medical consequences and the accompanying sexualized rituals (Levin & Asaah, 2009). This did not work; instead, it became a focal point of agitating for independence, particularly by the Kikuyu community. It is fundamental to note that, the provocation led to the murder of Hilda Stump who was one of the American Missionary after she spoke about the FGM openly. The efforts of preaching against FGM by the Christian Missionaries and human rights activists based in London failed because most of the Kenyan local communities believe d that the female circumcision was not just an event or action but an institution, which was immensely attributed to enormous educational, moral, religious and social implications. Consider the following table that indicates the statistical data of the rate of

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Features of Internet Banking

Features of Internet Banking 2.0 Overview Based on previous chapter, this study examines the factor influencing undergraduate student adoption of internet banking. In order to gain a clearer better understanding, it is meaningful to explore the related literature regarding adoption internet banking. Section 2.1 will discuss about the basic of electronic banking. Section 2.2 understanding about internet banking, section 2.3 conception of internet banking, section 2.4 traditional banking versus internet banking, section 2.5 will discuss the characteristics of internet banking, section 2.6 Technology Acceptance Model, section 2.7 in Malaysias internet banking and section 2.8 factor influencing undergraduate adoption of internet banking. 2.1 Basic of Electronic Banking The term of electronic banking is almost generic in its nature and therefore it is mostly used without any further definition or explanation. Electronic banking is not equal to the term of internet banking although the latter is most widespread type of it. Electronic banking is a construct, which consists of several distribution channels. Electronic banking is a bigger platform than just banking via internet. Although, most general type of electronic banking in our times is banking through internet or internet banking. Electronic banking this term can defines in many ways. Most simple form is mean the provision of information or service via a bank to its customers by a computer, television, telephone, or mobile phone. Electronic banking includes several traditional services like telephone banking, credit cards, debit cards, ATMs. Burr (1996), for example, describe of an electronic connection between bank and customers in order to manage, prepare and control financial transactions. Internet banking also allows their customer access bank accounts for doing their banking transactions. At another progression level internet banking called transactional online banking, because of it involves the provision of facilities such as transfer of funds, view account balances and transaction, buying financial products or service online. Now a day internet is the main channel of electronic banking. Electronic banking is also known as electronic fund transfer (FET) and basically is simple the use of electronic means to transfer fund directly from one account to another account.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In addition, electronic banking is said to have three different mean of delivery: PC, telephone and the internet. From Daniel (1999) there, he already introduces four types of channels for electronic banking: PC banking, internet banking, managed network and also TV-based banking.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The most important is to know that internet banking is dissimilar from PC Home banking. The apparent difference is that internet banking is browser-based, whereas PC Home banking requires customers to install the software package assigned by the bank on their PC. Furthermore, PC Home banking allows customers to do their banking services only on PCs that have been installed the assigned software package.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Telephone banking, TV-based banking and managed network do not play such role in banking today. However, in the future delivery platform is expected to shift from wired internet connection to wireless mobile technologies. 2.2 Internet banking Internet banking defines as banking services such as transfer of fund, loan application, account balance inquiry, fixed deposit placement and view transaction histories provided by bank via internet. (Pikkarainen, Pikkarainen, Karjaluoto, and Pahnila, 2004, p.224) defines internet banking as an internet portal, through which customers can use different kind of banking services ranging from bill payment to making investment. Now a day, banking services really give many types of service through internet; it is also another stage for banking industry goes to higher levels. Beside that cash withdrawal, internet banking gives undergraduate customers many types of banking transaction can be done through at the click of mouse only. Undergraduate student using mouse to click already can be done several banking transaction compare to traditional banking. To be sure, use of new alternative channel for distribution of financial services has become a competitive necessity instead of just a way to achieve competitive advantage with the advent of globalization and fiercer competition. All banks using internet as an additional channel or a bank using only the internet as the delivery channel are now equal footing to offer their banking services on the internet and to complete for customer around the world.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Internet banking has the advantage for bank to maintain competition, to save costs, to enhance mass customization, marketing and communication activities, and to maintain and attract consumer. The primary advantage of internet banking is to save time and cost. Indicated that internet banking allows the consumer easier access to their bank accounts with lower services changes and also time saving. Moreover, showed that internet banking had a low transaction cost and a high speed of service when compared to other banking services. 2.3 Conception of internet banking   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Internet banking is conducting banking transaction via internet, such as fund transfer, account balance inquiry, history transaction, loan application and so forth. In terms of banks ideals are as below: Provided with ICT equipment such as notebooks and internet connection, the user can access anywhere anytime. (e.g. home, hotspots zone, workplace and so forth) It required basic software from PC such as Internet explorer which allows users to sign-in into their e-banking services from the websites. All transactions done through website will store in banker server from internet. Banking services are ready can anytime. Users can print the bank statement or check the transaction history or observe the incoming fund anytime. Meanwhile we should alert that the differences among internet banking and PC Home banking. Internet banking is through browser-based, but PC Home Banking needed to install a software package assigned by the bank. 2.4 Internet banking versus Traditional banking   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Many years ago, when a user wanted to open a bank account, he or she must be presented to bank branches. And, the business transaction, automatic teller machine (ATMs) and customer services also provided by face to face basis which so called traditional banking. Traditional banking offer real life people to people interaction. Fixed schedule, inconvenient locations and limited financial products offer are caused some of users drawback from traditional banks.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  For internet banking, the easiest way to open a saving account or internet checking is by linking to an existing account. Business transactions can be carrying out by just a click. Without any verbal communications and no long queue at the counter, the users still can manage any accounts by staying at home. Internet banking is more convenience; 24 hours in 7days of banking service and flexibility are the main advantages of internet banking. It can provide the undergraduate students on all banking services convenience anywhere. Thus, internet banking is probably our benefits. 2.5 Characteristics of internet banking Internet banking is beneficial for both the provider and the customer. Stated that rationales of banks usage of the internet banking technology from the bank perspective are mainly to saving cost. Banks use internet banking is because it is the cheapest delivery channel for banking products. This kind of services can save time and money of the bank with an added benefit of minimizing the likelihood of committing errors by bank tellers. Internet banking offer services to their customers to use at their conveniences. Mostly, undergraduate students are like conveniences, easy and fast, somehow internet banking usage for undergraduate still not so much. From the figure is show that age 16-24 is lower compare to age 25 onward. While younger peoples continue to make up the greater part of online users, due to internet banking users greater proportion of new internet banker is age 55. (Karjaluoto et al. 2002, p.261) argued that banking is no longer bounce to time and geography. Customers over the world have relatively easy access to their account, 24 hours per day and seven days a week. This author argue that, with internet banking services, customers branch banking took too much time and effort are now able to make the transaction using click of their fingers. Competition is yet another important rationale with increasing competitive pressures from existing firms and new entrants in the market. At the same time, internet banking strategy has been an interesting way to retain existing customers and attract more new customers. The use of internet banking become an alternative channel has also been allowing banks to target different demographic segment more effectively. (Robinson, 2000) believe that supply of internet banking services enable bank to establish and extend relationship with customers. Benefit for the users are numerous as well and include convenience of the services, lower cost of transaction and more frequent monitoring of accounts among others.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The basic characteristics of internet banking are: To help bank perspective to save costs. To save time and money. To minimize the likelihood committing errors. To fulfill undergraduate students convenience. To lower the transaction costs. 2.6 Technology Acceptance Model   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), are introduced by Davis 1989. Goal of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is determinants of able of defining user behavior across a wide range of end-user computing technologies and computer acceptance. A key intent of Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) provides a basic of trace the affect of external factor on attitudes and intention.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) which has been extend and applied to different information technologies and end users. In TAM, Davis proposes that the influence of other variables on technology acceptance in mediated by two individuals belief: perceived ease of use (PEU) and perceived useful (PU). Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), suggest that a prospective users overall feelings or attitudes toward using a given technology based on system or procedures represent major determinants to use the system. Technology acceptance model (TAM) proposes that attitudes predict intention, and intention predict behavior. Adoption behavior is determined by the intention to use a particular system and intention is determined by attitude, which in turn is determined by the perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use of the system.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Perceived usefulness is defined as using a particular system will improve on job performance. Perceived ease of use defined as using a particular system will be free of effort. Offer instance of external variable may affect an individuals perceived usefulness. Two computer programs are given, which are equally to use and will produce better quality or improve users productivity will have a higher affect on an individuals perceived usefulness ,regardless of ease of use equality. 2.7 In Malaysia   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  All banking services and financial services in Malaysia is regulated by Central Bank; Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM). June 2000, internet banking was introduces in Malaysia when Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) allow local banks to offer internet banking service in Malaysia. This facility was extended to foreign owned banks during 2002. Until Jan 2008, there were 23 banks offering internet banking in addition to their traditional services. Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) provided Minimum Guidelines on the Provision of Internet Banking Services by Licensed Banking Institution (MGIB) 2000 after the BCBS recommendations. Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) defines internet banking as product and services offered by licensed institution on the internet through access devices, including personal computer and other intelligent devices.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Banking institution are legal entities licensed under the Banking and Financial Institution Act (BAFIA) 1989. The aim for Minimum Guideline on the Provision of Internet Banking Service by Licensed Banking Institution (MGIB) is main purpose is to protect both consumer and the bank themselves from the risk associated with such banking. 2.8 Factor influence Internet Banking 2.8.1 Security   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  According to the main factors that determining the decision of undergraduate students using internet banking is security. (ABF, 1997) shows that undergraduate student and banker will keep away from internet banking are security concern. More undergraduate students and households will be willing to conduct their banking transaction via the internet, unless improvement of security. US banks believe that security concern is main barrier for internet banking is concluding by the banks. Main reason for slow growth of internet banking were discover by the security concern, this is conducted by study in Australia. New innovation of the level of the security or risk associated will influence the acceptance and adoption. Where internet banking has been long set up, the main significant factors that will slow down the progress of this new innovation is the main concern for security over the financial transaction via internet. Most of peoples including undergraduate student, they will first considered secure and safe of the internet banking.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Initially, as an undergraduate student they will think whether this banking transaction through internet isnt secure enough for doing the transaction. Lack of security and reliability of transaction via internet is the main reason for they agree to refuse to use the internet banking. Security and privacy issues are concern by individual because they are still reluctant to use.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  (Sathye 1999), concern about the security and safety of the banking transaction via the internet, Australian consumer are reject to adopt internet banking. Due to also found out that substantial reason that influence internet banking in Malaysia security anxiety. Security failure at a banking institution may cause large losses could generate lack of confidence in banking innovation.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Tan and Teo (2000) establish that risk will be the main factor, Ndubisi et.al. (2004) also agree the importance of adequate of security in order to raise the confidence of public to utilize the system.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Banks ability is to manage internet-based transaction through undergraduates confidence. Poor security is inadequate to protect customers personal data. Computer privacy and security issues are those undergraduate students concern about. Internet banking service must be more responsive security requirements only can attract more and more undergraduate users. 2.8.2 Trust   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  (Mayer, Davis Schoorman, 1995) Trust is defined as a willingness to be susceptible to the action of the others. Define trust as an necessary components in a relationship especially whenever risk and uncertainty exist. Say that when an individual trust a person, will expect in that person will not take advantage of reliance upon him or her.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Context of internet banking, trust has been suggested to be the one of the barrier that will hinder individuals from adopt the technology say by. Security issues will indirectly have further influence undergraduate students trust level of internet banking.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  (Moorman et.al, 1992) Defined trust as a willingness to rely on an exchange partner in whom one has confidence and perception of confidence in the exchange partners reliability and integrity say by. These both directly underline in the exchange partners reliability in the conception of trust. Normally undergraduate student do not trust Internet Technology for these three reasons, first is security of the system, second is distrust of the provider and third is reliability of internet service.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Trust in the internet increase long term internet usage in the adoption decision. Trust will give undergraduate student guarantee safety for using internet banking. Undergraduate student attitude toward internet banking system may be related with trust on judgment on the security and privacy also. One of the important reasons is lack of trust make undergraduate student do not using internet banking, so must improve application security and privacy only can give undergraduate student confidence for using internet banking. Trust is an antecedent of perceived usefulness, also perceived ease of use is an antecedent of trust. Trust has a directly and indirectly effect on behavior intention to use. Determinants of perceived usefulness is trust, particularly in an online environment, part of guarantee that undergraduate student will sense the expected usefulness from the website. Trust will have a positive effect on perceived usefulness, while trust allow undergraduate to ensure they gain the expected useful services. 2.8.3 Privacy protection Defined privacy as the protection of personal information so it is not reveal to or used by others. Undergraduate normally aware of the privacy issues, including whether personal information would be used by the banks or third parties to market new services to them. Privacy has been an important factor in the choice not to use internet banking. Effective privacy protection laws will consider the internet environment will help to build trust and confidence. To improve privacy issues, first banks must provide consumer reassurance and information, ensure consumer information would not disclose to other or third parties. Banks need to improve the application security and privacy and ensure bank information security and privacy. To assist consumer in development secure internet banking practice and risk management procedures. 2.8.4 Attitude Define attitude as person positive and negative feeling about internet banking adoption. Age will affect the attitude of individual toward internet banking. Attitude toward adoption and use of internet banking might give undergraduate student a positively image assuming security of internet transaction is safety enough. Positive technology attitude enable faster diffusion of internet based services.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Attitude build received its first serious attention from Darwin 1872. Darwin defined attitudes as a physical expression of an emotion or motor concept. According to defined attitudes as an individuals positive and negative feeling to perform a target behavior. defined as a persons general feeling of favorableness and unfavorable for that recommends that different dimension of attitudinal belief toward innovation appraise by five perceived attributes. Five attributes are relative advantage, complexity, compatibility, observability, and trialability. At the same time behavior intention to use internet banking is highly related to attitude. Personal banking experiences will affect attitude toward internet banking.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Internet to users banking needs to relate to the advantage the mount up to the user of the technology. show that relative advantage is very important factor to influence adoption of new innovation. Commonly, perceived relative advantage is positively connected to the rate of adoption. According to defined complexity as degree to which an innovation is measured comparatively is hard to understand, found and use it to negatively affect the adoption of internet. Shows that complexity is view the accurate opposite of ease of use, that have been establish to directly crash the adoption of internet. Stated that, system requires less operational effort and technical skills will more probable to adopt it. Found that an innovation was more possible to be adopting when it was compatible with individuals value system and job responsibilities. Privacy is an important view to performing internet banking and therefore observing individual performing internet banking is not only hard also hard to unacceptable. found out observation and description analysis of undergraduate internet banking users, the problem such as slowness and so forth. Stated that trialability got the potential adopter of new technology, and who will allow to test it, whether will comfortable to be more likely to adopt it. Attitudes combine with these five innovations, these five innovations will directly and indirectly affect undergraduate student to adopt internet banking as well. 2.8.5 Perceived ease of use   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Defined perceived ease of use as degree to which person believes that adopt internet banking would be free of effort. Define ease of use as one of important characteristics from undergraduates perspective for adoption of innovation services. A study has been conducted by a company called Cyber Dialogue has revealed that as many as 3.1 million USA adult have discontinued their use of internet banking because of they feel the services was too complicated or were dissatisfied with the level of customer services. Propose that it is essential for the internet to be ease of use to increase the adoption rate of internet banking. Function of internet banking ease of use, it will be attract more undergraduate students adopt it. Now a day, undergraduate student really got the potential to help grow the rate of adopt internet banking rate. To help success implementation internet banking, banks must make sure that the service of the system are simple, ease and of sufficiently high quality to confirm undergraduate level satisfaction in order to maintain undergraduate usage.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Show that general computer self efficiency considerably influence the perceived ease of use at all the time, while the usability of system will directly influence undergraduate users perception after they have experience with the system 2.8.6 Awareness   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Explanation of Awareness can be the acceptance and continued to use the service, product or idea. show that undergraduate go via a series of process in knowledge, decision, conviction and confirmation before they are ready to adopt new service or products. The adoption or rejection of an internet banking start when the undergraduate becomes aware of the internet banking. Consumer must become aware of new service or new product is emphasizing by. Normally when come out one new services or new product consumer will not dare to try or buy it.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Lack of awareness is the most common and important factor that negatively influence adoption of internet banking stated by. This is situation; we are able to argue that if the undergraduate student not adopting internet banking service due to the unawareness of the availability of such a service. Lack of awareness of internet banking and its benefit, here some recommendation suggest by. To attract more undergraduate student attention to internet services through a better marketing, let undergraduate better understand the process. Try to inform the undergraduate student about the features, advantage and the benefit of internet banking, for undergraduate student they normally are more prefer everythings conveniences. Reduce the undergraduate concern about technology and support.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Lack of internet awareness is due to the internet banking services are still unaccepted. It is believe that undergraduate are not fully confidence with using internet banking. Greater awareness could show them the benefit and also encourage them to adopt internet banking services provided from banker. Awareness of internet banking services is necessary in the early adoption stages, as internet banking services is consider new in Malaysia. 2.8.7 Cost and Accessibility   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Stated that cost as a characteristics of internet banking. Price or cost is one of the important factors that will affect the undergraduate adoption of innovation. Two types of costs are involved in the internet banking, first is bank charge and cost, second is the normal cost that associated with the internet activities. Before adopting internet banking, undergraduate will concern about the cost, to help in increase the rate of adoption of internet banking. Banks must lower the transaction cost, to help undergraduate student save costs.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  If want to attract more undergraduate student to use new technologies, then first the technologies must be reasonable priced relative to alternatives. All price charged must be reasonable, with a reasonable price undergraduate just willing to adopt internet banking or else the acceptance of the new technology may not be viable from the point of view of the undergraduate. Being on the internet has allowed banks to cut costs on transaction, by the way banks also can improve their image on the market.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Point out that internet banking is very beneficial to undergraduate because of the savings in cots, time and space it offers; and also it is quick feedback to all the complaints. It also can build undergraduate identification of internet banking to emphasize the benefit of internet banking services; such as low cost service, conveniences, information availability and time saving. Saving transaction cost can improve customer service, increasing market reach and reducing costs are now basic expectation of internet banking services.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Availability of access to computer or internet is a precondition for adoption of internet banking. Show that the more widespread the access to computer or internet then the greater possibility of use of internet banking adoption. found that lack of access to computer as one of the reason for slow adoption of internet banking.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Show that accessibility to computer or internet will affect the decision to adopt internet banking. Relationship between the accessibility and internet banking is important and the outcome show that accessibility has a positively relationship with internet banking adoption intentions.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Ethical Implications of Chemical, Biological and Nuclear Warfare Essay

Ethical Implications of Chemical, Biological and Nuclear Warfare Thesis As current problems of terrorism and the war on Iraq, chemical, biological and nuclear warfare (CBW) issues are important and relevant. CBW agents are dangerous, uncontrollable and undifferentiating weapons of mass destructions. Chemical, biological and nuclear weapons are capable of mass destruction aimed at killing masses of people. Using CBW agents comes with many ethical dilemmas and consequential side-effects. Chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons are designed to yield a great number of deaths. Regarding the ethical use of CBW, while looking at the larger context of war, one must determine the value of life. As backed by Virtues Ethics, this mass killing caused by CBW is unethical and unjustified. Introduction News of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons seem to plague today's newspapers. Taking a glance at headlines, one would read about current issues regarding Iraqi disarmament of weapons of mass destruction, Russian government intentional use of a gas that killed rebels and hostages, and terrorist threats on the United States. Chemical and biological warfare (CBW) is not a new problem in the war against terror; it was a danger to communities centuries ago. There are many accounts of deliberate use of biological or chemical agents during war. Some of these earliest accounts mentioned are found in the 6th century BCE when the Assyrians poisoned enemy wells with rye ergot, a fungus disease. Also at that time Solon of Athens used the purgative herb hellebore, during siege of Krissa. The Bible describes the ten plagues of blood, frogs, gnats, flies, livestock, boils, hail, locusts, darkness and the slaying of the f... ...ns Disarmament Yearbook. (2002). United Nations: New York: United Nations. Hersh, Seymor M. (1968). Chemical and Biological Warfare. Indiana: Bobbs-Merill. McCormick, Dr. Matt. Immanuel Kant-Metaphysics. Retrieved November 18, 2002, from University of Tennessee at Martin web site: http://www.utm.edu/research/iep/k/kantmeta.htm Reuters. On anniversary of Japanese subway attack, many fear cult resurgence. Retrieved November 18, 2002, from CNN web site: http://www.cnn.com/WORLD/asiapcf/9903/20/japan.cult/index.html Rose, Steven. (1968). CBW: Chemical and Biological Warfare. Boston: Beacon Press. SIPRI (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute). (1977). Weapons of Mass Destruction and the Environment. New York: Crane, Russak & Company. Solomon, Brian. (1999). Chemical and Biological Warfare. New York: H.W. Wilson.

Monday, November 11, 2019

English Literature Essay

Gender as reflected in literature gives readers pictures that apply, illustrate and reinforce norms and values accepted by society. Authors, whether they are aware of it or not, are themselves socialized into gender systems that are reflected in the themes, characters and plots of their texts. Toni Morrison’s â€Å"The Bluest Eye† presents gender as a theme that cuts across many social constructions in society. She does not stop at the conventional and surface definition of gender as a social construction of the roles and norms of male and female, but shows how class, race and even gender subgroups deepen the hierarchies and power relations between different people in society. Though the main focus of her novel is the concept of beauty, the writer posits that beauty is determined by gender subgroups, race and class. In this essay, it is proposed that the concept beauty is a tool used by Morrison to illustrate the hierarchies and values created by race, class and gender. To show the impact of race, class and gender on both the psyche of the individual and the collective consciousness of society, Morrison uses young black girls as protagonists and narrates their family experiences, making sure to highlight experiences which involve discrimination and oppression by gender, class and race. Though her narratives constantly switch personas, the writer notes that the first person narrative belongs to Claudia, who is often seen to defy the norms and values that Morrison presents. The former is seen to defy the socialization of young girls into motherhood through the gifting of dolls, â€Å"I had no interest in babies or the concept of motherhood† (Morrison 15). Claudia also defies the convention of beauty, of fair-skinned girls with curly blond hair and blue eyes such as Shirley Temple, often despising the latter with a cruel and furious hatred, as seen in her treatment of the doll she received as a gift. Through this, a gender subgroup is shown, or perhaps, even a category which cuts across gender, which is race. The novel illustrates the presence of gender and class hierarchies that may be structured on the basis of race or gender. Distinctions of white male, white female, black male, black female, white child and black child are presented. Hierarchies are illustrated and the relationships these subgroups have to one another are presented. Seen through the eyes of Pauline Breedlove, the black female is shown to serve almost all of them, â€Å"‘White women said, â€Å"Do this. † White children said, â€Å"Give me that. White men said, â€Å"Come here. † Black men said, â€Å"Lay down. † (Morrison 93). The character continued to infer black women’s only power, which is as a parent to a child, â€Å"The only people they need not take orders from were black children and each other† (Morrison 93). Gender systems and hierarchies denote a set of norms and values that all these subgroups adhere to. For women, roles are the embodiment of these norms and valu es. Age, class and race are the determinants of such roles. A young girl is expected to protect her virtue and help her mother. A housewife is expected to be faithful to her husband, perform domestic work, responsible for child-rearing, able to earn additional income for the family and continue the virtues she learned as a young girl. If a female would somehow not fit within the previously-stated norms, such as the case of Frieda, Claudia’s sister, she would be labeled deviant or, in Morrison’s work, ruined. Frieda relates the stigma and fear this label entails in her conversation with Claudia: Miss Dunion came in after everybody was quiet, and Mama and Daddy was fussing about who let Mr. Henry in anyway, and she said that Mama should take me to the doctor, because I might be ruined, and Mama started screaming all over again†¦But why were you crying? I don’t want to be ruined. (Morrison 67) The image of ‘ruined’ in Morrison’s work is a source of so much anxiety for Frieda because of their perception of a ‘ruined’ woman, where here, Claudia shares the anxiety and fear in an image of her own, â€Å" An image of Frieda, big and fat, came to mind. Her thin legs swollen, her face surrounded by layers of rouged skin† (Morrison 67). Frieda is so terribly distressed at being ‘ruined’ that she and her sister strive to find ways to counteract this status or perhaps medicate it. She and Claudia urgently think, â€Å"But Frieda, you could exercise and not eat†¦Besides what about China and Poland, They’re ruined too, aren’t they? And they ain’t fat. That’s because they drink whiskey. Mama says whiskey are them up. You could drink whiskey† (Morrison 67). In Morrison’s novel, being ‘ruined’ is equivalent to being a whore or prostitute, a woman generally frowned upon by society because of her type of work and her non-adherence to the values of virtue and chastity expected of women. This is illustrated through a reference to the character the Maginot Line, Poland and China, or to Pecola’s ignorance of their true profession, Miss Marie, Miss Poland and Miss China. The value of virtue and chastity that women are prescribed to is embodied in the role of a virgin or legitimate wife, which the previously-mentioned women are most certainly not and are consequently stigmatized by the community. However, these women are aware and accept the stigma and fully understand their role prescription and label of ‘ruined’ as a choice they made, characterizing themselves as â€Å"whores in whores’ clothing, whores who had never been young and had no word for innocence† (Morrison 42). Despite their self-prescription, stigma and community perceptions, these women are aware of their deviance and accept it, implying that they are aware and accept what is proper and appropriate, Their only respect was for what they would have described as ‘good Christian colored women. ’ The woman whose reputation was spotless, and who tended to her family, who didn’t drink or smoke or run around. These women had their undying, if covert, affection. † (Morrison 41-42) Other works by female authors present this image of ‘good women’. Mary Eleanor Wilkins Freeman’s â€Å"A New England Nun† shows Louisa Ellis, who waits for Joe Dagget for 15 years to marry him and stays at home, sews and does housework all day and performs domestic work. She is characterized as meek, stiff, peaceful and virtuous (Freeman). Here, Louisa Ellis performs all the roles and tasks ascribed to a single woman. â€Å"A White Heron† also shows an image of a ‘good girl’ in the character of Sylvia, who follows her grandmother’s instructions, is quiet and complacent towards older men and keeps a secret within her girl’s heart (Jewett). It must be noted however, that this image uses only gender as a category for prescription. This image is elevated to the level of race as a gender subgroup through Pecola Breedlove who alludes to her fondest dream of blue eyes (Morrison). The dimensions of this dream and how it is shaped by the previously-mentioned gender systems to the point of oppression and revulsion for oneself is almost horrific and pitiful. Langston Hughes’ â€Å"Harlem† may describe Pecola’s dream as one that: â€Å"Fester(s) like a sore— / and then run? (4-5), showing how much pain Pecola feels and experiences because of her unfulfilled dream. She considers her brown eyes a sore, for the absence of her fulfilled dream of blue eyes is the presence of her brown eyes. The horror of her wish and the desperation of her yearning is expressed at the end of Morrison’s work, when all these gender systems, roles and values bear down upon her because of her father’s impregnating her. Her split personality or other voice in her head accompanies her new perception of having blue eyes, the bluest eyes, which makes her feel that she is above everyone else. She no longer hides behind her ugliness as she did before (Morrison 28), but sees people unable to bear their own in the presence of the ultimate symbol and sign of beauty, that she alone possesses, the bluest eyes. Essay 1 Reflection When I gave into my emotions and intellect for this essay, I found myself to feel very strongly about Pecola’s situation and her perception of her own appearance and beauty. To think that she conceives the disdain and disgust that other feel for her and is able to project it within herself is almost traumatizing for me especially since I know how young she is. Compounded oppression, bad family situation and victimization are features of her life that may make one almost think that her fate was horribly inescapable and her desire for blue eyes one that elicits deep sympathy. Discussing this with others and presenting my ideas on gender and how deep the scars of gender-based violence may run has given me insight on the historical and cultural relevance of Morrison’s work and how others’ works like Kate Chopin, Jewett and Freeman reflect this type violence. I would consider Pecola’s perception as an effect of violence. Thinking about the story, I would think that Pecola’s innocence was still intact even after she was raped by her father perhaps through her own mind’s fierce denial, but her psyche was totally shattered when she received her wish of blue eyes. Relating this text to my courses on women studies and feminism, a deeper analysis would have shown the intricacies of race, class and gender and how the hierarchies created by these three based solely on oppressive social constructions can destroy whole countries, whole peoples of color and at the individual level, complete psyches and perceptions. The scope and range of feminism tends to question everything and I wanted to do that but felt limited by the number of pages allowed. When someone would read my essay, I would hope that it would spark a little interest in re-examining texts and even his/her own perceptions on race, class and gender. I would say that my essay’s goal would be to spark insight in my reader about the world and society in terms of the three social constructions I mentioned.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Emmeline Pankhurst, Womens Rights Activist

Emmeline Pankhurst, Women's Rights Activist Emmeline Pankhurst (July 15, 1858–June 14, 1928) was a British suffragette who championed the cause of womens voting rights in Great Britain in the early 20th century, founding the Womens Social and Political Union (WSPU) in 1903. Her militant tactics earned her several imprisonments and stirred up controversy among various suffragist groups. Widely credited with bringing womens issues to the forefront- thus helping them win the vote- Pankhurst is considered one of the most influential women of the 20th century. Fast Facts: Emmeline Pankhurst Known For: British suffragette who founded the Womens Social and Political UnionAlso Known As: Emmeline GouldenBorn: July 15, 1858  in Manchester, United KingdomParents: Sophia and Robert GouldenDied: June 14, 1928  in  London, United KingdomEducation: École Normale de NeuillyPublished Works: Freedom or Death (speech delivered in Hartford, Connecticut on Nov. 13, 1913, later published), My Own Story (1914)Awards and Honors: A statue of Pankhurst  was unveiled in Manchester on Dec. 14, 2018. Pankhursts name and image and those of 58 other womens suffrage supporters including her daughters are etched at the base  of a  statue of Millicent Fawcett  in  Parliament Square in London.Spouse: Richard Pankhurst (m. Dec. 18, 1879–July 5, 1898)Children: Estelle Sylvia,  Christabel,  Adela,  Francis Henry,  Henry FrancisNotable Quote: We are here, not because we are law-breakers; we are here in our efforts to become law-makers. Early Years Pankhurst, the eldest girl in a family of 10 children, was born to Robert and Sophie Goulden on July 15, 1858, in Manchester, England. Robert Goulden ran a successful calico-printing business; his profits enabled his family to live in a large house on the outskirts of Manchester. Pankhurst developed a social conscience at an early age, thanks to her parents, both ardent supporters of the antislavery movement and womens rights. At age 14, Emmeline attended her first suffrage meeting with her mother and came away inspired by the speeches she heard. A bright child who was able to read at the age of 3, Pankhurst was somewhat shy and feared speaking in public. Yet she was not timid about making her feelings known to her parents. Pankhurst felt resentful that her parents placed a lot of importance upon the education of her brothers, but gave little consideration to educating their daughters. Girls attended a local boarding school that primarily taught social skills that would enable them to become good wives. Pankhurst convinced her parents to send her to a progressive womens school in Paris. When she returned five years later at the age of 20, she had become fluent in French and had learned not only sewing and embroidery but chemistry and bookkeeping as well. Marriage and Family Soon after returning from France, Emmeline met Richard Pankhurst, a radical Manchester attorney more than twice her age. She admired Pankhursts commitment to liberal causes, notably the womens suffrage movement. A political extremist, Richard Pankhurst also supported home rule for the Irish and the radical notion of abolishing the monarchy. They married in 1879 when Emmeline was 21 and Richard was in his mid-40s. In contrast to the relative wealth of Pankhursts childhood, she and her husband struggled financially. Richard Pankhurst, who might have made a good living working as a lawyer, despised his work and preferred to dabble in politics and social causes. When the couple approached Robert Goulden about financial assistance, he refused; an indignant Pankhurst never spoke to her father again. Pankhurst gave birth to five children between 1880 and 1889: daughters Christabel, Sylvia, and Adela, and sons Frank and Harry. Having taken care of her firstborn (and alleged favorite) Christobel, Pankhurst spent little time with her subsequent children when they were young, leaving them instead in the care of nannies. The children did benefit, however, from growing up in a household filled with interesting visitors and lively discussions, including with well-known socialists of the day. Gets Involved Pankhurst became active in the local womens suffrage movement, joining the Manchester Womens Suffrage Committee soon after her marriage. She later worked to promote the Married Womens Property Bill, which was drafted in 1882 by her husband. In 1883, Richard Pankhurst ran unsuccessfully as an independent for a seat in Parliament. Disappointed by his loss, Richard Pankhurst was nonetheless encouraged by an invitation from the Liberal Party to run again in 1885- this time in London. The Pankhursts moved to London, where Richard lost his bid to secure a seat in Parliament. Determined to earn money for her family- and to free her husband to pursue his political ambitions- Pankhurst opened a shop selling fancy home furnishings in the Hempstead section of London. Ultimately, the business failed because it was located in a poor part of London, where there was little demand for such items. Pankhurst closed the shop in 1888. Later that year, the family suffered the loss of 4-year-old Frank, who died of diphtheria. The Pankhursts, along with friends and fellow activists, formed the Womens Franchise League (WFL) in 1889. Although the Leagues main purpose was to gain the vote for women, Richard Pankhurst tried to take on too many other causes, alienating the Leagues members. The WFL disbanded in 1893. Having failed to achieve their political goals in London and troubled by money woes, the Pankhursts returned to Manchester in 1892. Joining the newly formed Labor Party in 1894, the Pankhursts worked with the Party to help feed the multitudes of poor and unemployed people in Manchester. Pankhurst was named to the board of poor law guardians, whose job it was to supervise the local workhouse- an institute for destitute people. Pankhurst was shocked by conditions in the workhouse, where inhabitants were fed and clothed inadequately and young children were forced to scrub floors. Pankhurst helped to improve conditions immensely; within five years, she had even established a school in the workhouse. A Tragic Loss In 1898, Pankhurst suffered another devastating loss when her husband of 19 years died suddenly of a perforated ulcer. Widowed at only 40 years old, Pankhurst learned that her husband had left his family deeply in debt. She was forced to sell furniture to pay off debts and accepted a paying position in Manchester as registrar of births, marriages, and deaths. As a registrar in a working-class district, Pankhurst encountered many women who struggled financially. Her exposure to these women- as well as her experience at the workhouse- reinforced her sense that women were victimized by unfair laws. In Pankhursts time, women were at the mercy of laws which favored men. If a woman died, her husband would receive a pension; a widow, however, might not receive the same benefit. Although progress had been made by the passage of the Married Womens Property Act (which granted women the right to inherit property and to keep the money they earned), those women without an income might very well find themselves living at the workhouse. Pankhurst committed herself to securing the vote for women because she knew their needs would never be met until they gained a voice in the law-making process. Getting Organized: The WSPU In October 1903, Pankhurst founded the Womens Social and Political Union (WSPU). The organization, whose simple motto was Votes for Women, accepted only women as members and actively sought out those from the working class. Mill-worker Annie Kenny became an articulate speaker for the WSPU, as did Pankhursts three daughters. The new organization held weekly meetings at Pankhursts home and membership grew steadily. The group adopted white, green, and purple as its official colors, symbolizing purity, hope, and dignity. Dubbed by the press suffragettes (meant as an insulting play on the word suffragists), the women proudly embraced the term and called their organizations newspaper Suffragette. The following spring, Pankhurst attended the Labor Partys conference, bringing with her a copy of the womens suffrage bill written years earlier by her late husband. She was assured by the Labor Party that her bill would be up for discussion during its May session. When that long-anticipated day came, Pankhurst and other members of the WSPU crowded the House of Commons, expecting that their bill would come up for debate. To their great disappointment, members of Parliament (MPs) staged a talk out, during which they intentionally prolonged their discussion on other topics, leaving no time for the womens suffrage bill. The group of angry women formed a protest outside, condemning the Tory government for its refusal to address the issue of womens voting rights. Gaining Strength In 1905- a general election year- the women of WSPU found ample opportunities to make themselves heard. During a Liberal Party rally held in Manchester on October 13, 1905, Christabel Pankhurst and Annie Kenny repeatedly posed the question to speakers: Will the liberal government give votes to women? This created an uproar, leading to the pair being forced outside, where they held a protest. Both were arrested; refusing to pay their fines, they were sent to jail for a week. These were the first of what would amount to nearly 1,000 arrests of suffragists in the coming years. This highly publicized incident brought more attention to the cause of womens suffrage than any previous event; it also brought a surge of new members. Emboldened by its growing numbers and infuriated by the governments refusal to address the issue of womens voting rights, the WSPU developed a new tactic- heckling politicians during speeches. The days of the early suffrage societies- polite, ladylike letter-writing groups- had given way to a new kind of activism. In February 1906, Pankhurst, her daughter Sylvia, and Annie Kenny staged a womens suffrage rally in London. Nearly 400 women took part in the rally and in the ensuing march to the House of Commons, where small groups of women were allowed in to speak to their MPs after initially being locked out. Not a single member of Parliament would agree to work for womens suffrage, but Pankhurst considered the event a success. An unprecedented number of women had come together to stand for their beliefs and had shown that they would fight for the right to vote. Protests Pankhurst, shy as a child, evolved into a powerful and compelling public speaker. She toured the country, giving speeches at rallies and demonstrations, while Christabel became the political organizer for the WSPU, moving its headquarters to London. On June 26, 1908, an estimated 500,000 people gathered in Hyde Park for a WSPU demonstration. Later that year, Pankhurst went to the United States on a speaking tour, in need of money for medical treatment for her son Harry, who had contracted polio. Unfortunately, he died soon after her return. Over the next seven years, Pankhurst and other suffragettes were repeatedly arrested as the WSPU employed ever more militant tactics. Imprisonment On March 4, 1912, hundreds of women, including Pankhurst (who broke a window at the prime ministers residence), participated in a rock-throwing, window-smashing campaign throughout commercial districts in London.  Pankhurst was sentenced to nine months in prison for her part in the incident. In protest of their imprisonment, she and fellow detainees embarked upon a hunger strike. Many of the women, including Pankhurst, were held down and force-fed through rubber tubes passed through their noses into their stomachs. Prison officials were widely condemned when reports of the feedings were made public. Weakened by the ordeal, Pankhurst was released after spending a few months in abysmal prison conditions. In response to the hunger strikes, Parliament passed what came to be known as the Cat and Mouse Act (officially called the Temporary Discharge for Ill-Health Act), which allowed women to be released so that they could regain their health, only to be re-incarcerated once they had recuperated, with no credit for time served. The WSPU stepped up its extreme tactics, including the use of arson and bombs. In 1913, one member of the Union, Emily Davidson, attracted publicity by throwing herself in front of the kings horse in the middle of the Epsom Derby race. Gravely injured, she died days later. The more conservative members of the Union became alarmed by such developments, creating divisions within the organization and leading to the departure of several prominent members. Eventually, even Pankhursts daughter Sylvia became disenchanted with her mothers leadership and the two became estranged. World War I and the Womens Vote In 1914, Britains involvement in World War I effectively put an end to the WSPUs militancy. Pankhurst believed it was her patriotic duty to assist in the war effort and ordered that a truce be declared between the WSPU and the government. In return, all suffragette prisoners were released. Pankhursts support of the war further alienated her from daughter Sylvia, an ardent pacifist. Pankhurst published her autobiography, My Own Story, in 1914. (Daughter Sylvia later wrote a biography of her mother, published in 1935.) Later Years, Death, and Legacy As an unexpected by-product of the war, women had the opportunity to prove themselves by carrying out jobs previously held only by men. By 1916, attitudes toward women had changed; they were now regarded as more deserving of the vote after having served their country so admirably. On February 6, 1918, Parliament passed the Representation of the People Act, which granted the vote to all women over 30. In 1925, Pankhurst joined the Conservative Party, much to the astonishment of her former socialist friends. She ran for a seat in Parliament but withdrew before the election because of ill health. Pankhurst died at the age of 69 on June 14, 1928, only weeks before the vote was extended to all women over 21 years of age on July 2, 1928. Sources ï » ¿Emmeline Pankhurst - Suffragette - BBC Bitesize.†Ã‚  BBC News, BBC, 27 Mar. 2019,  Pankhurst, Emmeline. â€Å"Great Speeches of the 20th Century: Emmeline Pankhursts Freedom or Death.†Ã‚  The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 27 Apr. 2007.â€Å"Representation of the People Act 1918.†Ã‚  UK Parliament.