Friday, February 14, 2020

Business Ethics & Corporate Social Responsibility Case Study

Business Ethics & Corporate Social Responsibility - Case Study Example One moral standard is core ethical values. The first component of core ethical values is trustworthiness. The recall and transparency in dealing with the crisis was effective in restoring the trust and confidence of consumers. The second component of core ethical values is responsibility. McCain took an important step in affirming that Maple Leaf was assuming full responsibility for the Listeria situation. The third component of core ethical values is caring. After realizing that Listeria had caused 21 deaths, Maple Leaf recalled its products. This is because the company did not want to be the cause of any more deaths in Canada. McCain said that if he had known in advance that Listeria in the meat products would cause 22 deaths, he would have taken all measures to save those lives. The fourth component of core ethical values is citizenship. As of 2009, Maple Leaf was following the new Listeria policy that was set up by the federal government. Because Listeria is ubiquitous in the env ironment, Maple Leaf has also taken measures to educate people about the fact that Listeria is resident in most processed foods, and as such it is important to boost one’s immune system as this is the basic way to fight the routine exposure to Listeria. The second moral standard is relativism. Maple Leaf failed to report that Listeria had been detected in their products as early as March 2007. This is because, unlike other meat processing plants, Maple Leaf felt confident because the USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) kept approving their products. The spokeswoman for Maple Leaf, Linda Smith, felt confident that if the USDA did not sanction the company, then any Listeria that had been detected was manageable and there was no need to cause mass panic. The third moral standard is egoism. Instead of focusing on the 22 people who had died from Listeria and the numerous sick people who consumed Listeria-infected products, Maple Leaf was more

Sunday, February 2, 2020

The economy of Australia Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The economy of Australia - Research Paper Example Average family income is in the range of 55,000 USD annually, though differing drastically depending on which part of the country the person lives in. Australia has a relatively even distribution of wealth amongst its population. The GINI index, which is a measure of wealth disparities in a country, gives Australia a score of 30.5, only .1 above the European union, and 112th largest score in the world (in the GINI index a lower score means better or more even distribution of wealth). For comparison, Sweden, with the best GINI score has a 23, while America, with a terrible score for a developed country, has a score of 45 (CIA). Australia, as a country the size of a continent (it is the 6th largest country in the world) has a wide variety of natural resources including coal, iron, precious metals, diamonds, rare earth elements, natural gas and petroleum (CIA). IT is the largest net exporter of coal in the world, and accounts for 29% of global coal exports (CIA). Australia has highly developed transportation and communication infrastructure, with wide access to high speed internet and public transpiration in cities (CIA). Its primary mode of public transpiration is bus (CIA). Its infrastructure is much worse in rural regions, which have access issues. Australia has very strict and well adhered to employee protection laws, with only a very few countries having better (Global Edge). It has much more protection for long term than temporary workers, however, and this causes the perception of abuse amongst temporary and immigrants workers, usually from other pacific Islands (Global Edge). Salaray and benefits vary highly depending on employment sector, though public health care is less accessible than almost any other developed country, not being government funded (Global Edge). Australia’s principle industry is service, like most developed countries, though this is supplemented by mining, equipment manufacturing and steel foundering. Foreign