Friday, January 24, 2020

Accident Investigation :: Essays Papers

Accident Investigation Aircraft Investigation Each mishap has their own characteristics and there is no substitute for good old-fashioned common sense and initiative. Each wrecked aircraft has it’s own story to tell if properly investigated. However Air Force guidelines are quick to point out that investigators in their eagerness seek out the causes, often ignore safe investigation practices and common safety precautions. Air Force Investigators are maybe in even more difficult position due to the hazards that are unique to the military war fighting machines, I’ll discuss a few of these hazards briefly before I get into the steps of Air Force accident investigations. Munitions Extreme care must be given to the munitions that may have been on board the aircraft. Just because the ammunition appears to be damaged beyond being dangerous the slightest amount of static electricity from clothing may detonate munitions. Before starting an investigation of any kind, obtain the list of munitions aboard and have the explosive ordinance disposal (EOD) team remove or inert them. Again eagerness must be controlled and situational awareness must be exercised to be on the lookout for those munitions that may not have been recovered. Also, though tedious, the locations of all munitions need to be noted, as they will hold clues as well. The ejection seats can also present extreme dangers to untrained and careless investigator. Toxins Hydrazine. It’s a word that strikes fear in all that are familiar with it. New generation aircraft such as the F-16 use hydrazine for emergency power supplies. It looks like a clear oily substance that smells like ammonia. Some of the effects hydrazine can have on the human body include: liver damage, blindness, skin burns, and prolong exposure may be fatal. Only base bioenvironmental engineers are qualified enough to properly handle it. Materials Also somewhat unique but is gradually finding its way into the commercial side of aviation is the use of high composite materials along with exotic metals used in the effort to not only strengthen, but to lighten the overall weight of the airframe. The composites used with most frequency today are boron, graphite and Kevlar. Each of these materials has their own characteristics and must be handled with care. While in its finished form Kevlar is very stable, boron and graphite must be handled with extreme care to avoid breathing in dust created when the structures become damaged. Boron fibers can pierce through skin and stay imbedded indefinitely and cannot be removed easily causing severe infections.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Haptic Technology †Feeling the Future Essay

What is haptic technology? It’s the technology relating to or based on the sense of touch. We see it every day with our touch screen phones. It is needed to interact with your phone, computer, keyboard, mouse, car, gaming system and more! It can also be used in medicine, robotics, art, design, electronics, toys, and more! Where is the technology feeling to go? What is haptic feedback? What is haptic feedback? Haptic feedback the shake of your gaming console’s remote, the vibration of your phone, clicking of the keyboard and mouse. the interaction of touch and response (Figure 1). How does this correlate with human memory?   Memory has several categories. There is long-term memory, short-term and sensory memory. Each one plays an important part of overall memory. â€Å"They all cooperate in the process of memorization, and can be seen as three necessary steps in forming a lasting memory† (Mastin, 2012). Haptic technology uses sensory memory. What is sensory memory?   According to Mastin, sensory memory is the shortest-term element of memory. â€Å"It is the ability to retain impressions of sensory information after the original stimuli have ended. It acts as a kind of buffer for stimuli received through the five senses of sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch† (Mastin, 2012). Touch is the key word in haptic technology. How will this technology change the way we interact with computer? The interactions of computer and humans are known as human-computer-interface (HCI). Human-computer-interface (HCI) developers and engineers goals are to improve the user’s overall experience. This can be accomplished by creating a lasting memory for the end user and a good feeling of using the technology known as haptic technology. What is HCI? HCI is the study on how to better improve the interaction between human and computers. For example – Human Machine Symbiosis Laboratory – Department of Biomedical Informatics – Arizona State University conducted a study on the Psychology of Haptics, Haptic User Interfaces and Human Motion Analysis. Their main goal for the haptic user interface study is to design effective and efficient interfaces; in psychology of haptics study they focused on the role of haptic modality in formation and retention of memory and categorization; and in the human motion study they concentrated on gesture analysis. Human computer interaction (HCI) has emerged as a focal area of both computer science research and development, and of applied social, behavioral and psychological research† (Kahol, 2010). The research team in Arizona State University focused on memory and categorization controlled experiments using mechanisms of haptic memory and categorization. They also explored whether individuals who were blind and sighted can abstract a haptic prototype from a study set; the nature of haptic space through multidimensional scaling; and haptics in early detection of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The Arizona State University research team are concerned with design, development and testing of tactile and force feedback devices and its associated software(s). â€Å"These devices have widespread applications such as surgical simulations, medical and procedural training, scientific visualizations, assistive and rehabilitative devices for individuals who have physical or neurological disorders and assistive devices for individuals who are blind† (Kathol, 2010). The human motion research field is guided towards understanding human motion through gesture analysis. The research team from Arizona State University has developed novel gesture segmentation and gesture recognition tools for understanding and modeling human motion. They plan to develop scalable gesture segmentation and gesture recognition tools. They plan to apply the models to generic human motion as well as specialized human motion as in dance and in various scenarios such as surveillance, human computer interfaces and 3D Dance motion. Once these devices are implemented, they must remain consistent. Why you ask? Image a medical procedural being done on you. The doctor is located in different part of the world and is using new technology which allows him to operate remotely, but wait. The controls he is using are not consistent with the standard controls accepted in the USA. Will you risk your life on this doctors questionable HCI? I know I wouldn’t. Designing the right HCI is key to any successful implementation of new technology. What are some design factors to consider in the implementation of HCI and where does the future of HCI feel to go? Figure 2 – User-Centric Design (SAP, 2013) One possible design process we can use is UCD. What is is UCD? User-centered design (UCD) is a design methodology and process that focuses on the needs of end users, limitations of end users, preferences of end users, and business objectives (USABILITY, 2013). The UCD has several components: plan, research, design, adapt, and measure (Figure 2). â€Å"Plan – In the Plan phase, the team determines all of the UCD activities and ensures that the necessary resources are available. Research – Before you can design a product, it is imperative that you have a clear understanding of the users’ goals and tasks, the market needs, and related work. Design – In the design phase, you define your system from the users’ perspective. Initially, this phase takes the form of use cases and an object action model, which describes the tasks that the system will support. From these tasks you create UI designs, beginning with rough sketches and ending with detailed UI design specifications. Adapt – The adapt phase acknowledges that even the best conceived designs often need to be adapted when development begins coding. This adaptation can occur as a result of unforeseen limitations in the target technology, new requirements, or missing functionality in the initial design. Measure – When the product is released, it is possible to measure its usability quantitatively. These tests measure a product’s effectiveness, efficiency, and satisfaction† (SAP, 2013) HCI FUTURE Microsoft researchers wrote Being Human – Human Computer Interaction in the Year 2020. In the paper they state: â€Å"HCI needs to extend its methods and approaches so as to focus more clearly on human values. This will require a more sensitive view about the role, function and consequences of design, just as it will force HCI to be more inventive. HCI will need to form new partnerships with other disciplines, too, and for this to happen HCI practitioners will need to be sympathetic to the tools and techniques of other trades. Finally, HCI will need to re-examine and reflect on its basic terms and concepts. Outdated notions of the ‘user’, the ‘computer’ and ‘interaction’ are hardly sufficient to encompass all that HCI will need to attend to† (Microsoft, 2008).

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Inside Job by Charles Ferguson Free Essay Example, 750 words

Inside Job Inside Job is a film directed by Charles Ferguson that considers the financial crisis through a highly engaging five-part structure. While the documentary’s overall narrative and investigative reporting are thought provoking, the film’s construction and the articulation of these concepts are perhaps the film’s most notable elements. This essay considers the filmmaking elements of Inside Job, analyzing them for their meaning making capacity. A great number of filmmaking techniques are implemented throughout Inside Job to convey the film’s thematic concerns. From the opening scenes it’s evident that the general structure of the film is such that it implements interview, voice over narration, and compelling videos and photographs in explicating messages. In terms of visual imagery, the effect is highly powerful as the filmmakers implement images of pollution and industrialized zones to dynamically demonstrate the force of deregulation. The environmental shots also are juxtaposed with interview footage to convey a sense of urgency and movement in the film. For instance, one scene contains a countryside shot with slow moving clouds. This shot is edited against an interview with a static background. We will write a custom essay sample on Inside Job by Charles Ferguson or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now The next shot is of fast-paced inward moving helicopter footage. While the scenes all contribute to the film’s overall narrative understanding, they also increase and engage viewer interest through pacing methods that gradually draw the viewer into the film’s narrative. Montage techniques are also implemented to great effect. For instance, when the film switches from the opening segment to New York, there is a very powerful montage piece that contains snippets of conversations with important figures in the economic meltdown accompanied by on-screen text that also showed their complicity or conflict of interest. Another power montage is put together towards the middle of the film as images of the Hamptons are placed on the screen. In these regards, the film makes great use of visual imagery and music to create a sense of on screen irony that cleverly demonstrates the devious absurdity of the situation and financial crisis. As the film progresses, it explores a number of experimental visual and narrative techniques. One such narrative technique is the split screen format. This allow the filmmakers to implement an almost cubist like articulation of a protest rally, giving the viewer a more complex picture of the actual occurrence. There is a continued understanding that the verbal narrative can only be fully grasped through adequate visual components. For instance, after Matt Damon discusses the drastic unemployment rate, the film cuts to empty buildings with a slower and more somber editing pace. While the buildings may not even be located in the region that is being talked about, they have a sophisticated and visually appealing architecture that adds to the film’s overall narrative appeal. The film’s actual narrative is told in a highly engaging and effect way. The filmmakers implement the narrative star power of Matt Damon to relay the story in-between interviews with witnesses and field experts. Indeed, it’s been noted that, â€Å"This film is as gripping as any thriller. Aided by some fascinating interviews, Ferguson lays out an awful story† (Bradshaw). Indeed, at times one wonders if the narrative fits together just too well, but as it is bolstered by interviews and frequent textual evidence the overriding plot is understood as highly powerful. Another powerful aspect of the film is its ability to convey highly complex financial information processes in an easy to understand way. In these regards, voice over narration is coupled with on-screen graphics that are easily digestible for the viewer. This allows the film to engage the viewer on a much deeper and intellectual level than other documentaries that fail to convey this essential informat ion. In addition to these techniques, filmmaker Charles Ferguson makes profound use of rhetorical techniques. Towards the film’s conclusion there is a powerful indictment of the Obama administration’s handling of financial reform. The film also indicates that the same individuals that started the crisis are still in power. In concludes with a voice-over narration that speaks calls for Americans to fight against these influences while an image of the Statue of Liberty is shown on the screen. The image is powerful the statue has such resonance to many Americans. In conclusion, Charles Ferguson’s Inside Job makes use of a number of filmmaking techniques in relaying its overriding message. This essay has considered both structural and narrative elements in considering the variety of ways the film presents it message. In these regards, it’s argued that the film implements traditional filmmaking techniques of montage and juxtaposition editing, coupled with the narrative techniques of interviews and voice over narration in achieving its meaning making system. References Bradshaw, Peter. (2011) ‘Inside job review. ’ the Guardian. http: //www. guardian. co. uk/film/2011/feb/17/inside-job-review